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Meeting – Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Chair – Marcia Lambert

Present: Chairperson Marcia Lambert, Amy Alpert, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Maryanne Piechocki, Sandra Power, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe   Absent: Sara Fiore, Bev Moustakis,

The Meeting was called to order at 7:32 P.M.

The minutes of the meeting held August 24, 2010 were approved as submitted.  
~Old Business
  • Tree planting – Marcia reported that the Salem Recycling Committee tree planting project now has five or six trees to be planted but wants to have more.  The committee discussed spending One Hundred Sixty dollars to purchase an additional tree for the project..  A motion was offered, seconded and passed to purchase a tree.
The city of Salem uses Federal grant money for the support of trees.  Volunteers who wish to help with this tree planting project are to meet at the gazebo on the Common on October 10, 2010 at 10:00 A.M.

  • Traffic Islands – Sandi submitted the following written report:~  
New Congress St. islands cleaned up in September by eleven volunteers, three from BCom: Marcia Lambert, Judith Wolfe, and Sandi Power.~~ Trees and plants are to be replaced and a granite curb has been installed to control erosion.

Danvers Bank T.I. on Loring at Vinnen Sq., was run through twice by vehicles, one sign destroyed and replaced.~ Sandi placed several large rocks, sprayed white, at the entrance areas.

McDonald Square was cleaned up, groomed, and planted with divisions of grasses from the island~and other donated grasses, golden rod, Queen Anne's lace, mums, and cabbages.~ Loam was donated by the Community Garden group.~ The consensus by participants is to keep it as a natural, seascape type area.

SSNA volunteers spent a Saturday morning cleaning out the Loring Square island and working out a hardscape and planting plan.~ Di'Lisio, Mackey's, and McDonald's have offered to help with providing stone or money to pay for same.

Sandi will attend a meeting with Michael Blier, the landscape architect;~ Barbara Warren of~ Salem Sound coastwatch; and Natalie Lovett, Salem Development Planner, to determine remediation for the new Peabody St. children's park.~ The grass did not take where seeded on the hillocks, and weeds have overtaken most of the planted areas.~ There is no irrigation and apparently no maintenance provisions put place.

3, ~Haunted Happenings – Ellen checked with the Y and Carleton School to find out how many children attend the “After School” activities.  She discussed the possibility of providing pumpkins for the children to decorate and display in the maze that is created on the Common for the Halloween festivities.  She will talk to various sources who may be willing to assist with the project.   She may be able to set up work with the children on October 13th and/or 14th.  There will be a display trailer available Friday, October 15th.  Mary Ellen, Marcia, and Maryanne offered  to help with various aspects of the project.  By consensus it was agreed that the Committee can spend up to Two Hundred Dollars on this project.
Children are to bring their decorated pumpkins to the Common on Saturday, October 16 between the hours of 12:00 – 2:00.  Pumpkin judging will take place on Sunday between 10:00 and 12:00. Amy will represent the Committee as one of the judges.  Flyers will be distributed.  Prizes will be awarded by age groups.  
5.  Artist Row – Mary Ellen reported that there is still a small amount of money left in the Artist Row Project budget.  She and Maryanne intend to purchase plants and will plant them on Saturday of this week.  She noted that the bathrooms are in bad shape.
6.  Public Spaces and places - Sandi had created an inclusive list of the City’s public spaces.  Discussion focused on the list and centered on locations that need attention .  Discussion was tabled  for future meetings.
7. Christmas – Discussion centered on a review of the Committees’ activities last year on the Pedestrian Mall and on Derby Street. The shared activities with the Main Streets group and cooperation with Pamplemousse, the Gathering and City employees were noted.  The discussion will be continued.   
It was moved, seconded and agreed to adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting – October 26, 2010                          
Chairperson- Marcia Lambert